viernes, 13 de enero de 2017

Lesson 4 Landforms and territories of Europe

Lesson 4 Landforms and territories of Europe

Location and boundaries of Europe

It´s in the northern Hemisphere and it´s the second smaller continent in the world. Its boundaries are:
- North: The Arctic Ocean
- South: The Mediterranean sea
- East: The Caspian Sea, The Black Sea and the Caucasus  Mountains
- West: The Atlantic Ocean.
Europe topography is simple. There is a great …
- Plain: La gran Llanura Europea, from France to Russia with an altitude of 200 metres
surrounded by …
- Massif and plateaus: Low mountains with rounded shape. They are in the northern and central part like the Macizo Central
- Mountain ranges: The most important are Pirineos, los Alpes (pico más  alto el Mont Blanc) and los montes del Caucaso (pico más  alto el Elbrus).

Europe has got many inlets (small areas of seas, lakes…). 
The coast can be High ( Norway, Scotland and Cantabria) or Low (Netherlands or Denmark). The European coastline also has :
- Peninsulas: In the North we have Jutlandia or Escandinavia. In the South we have la Peninsula Ibérica e Itálica.
- Gulfs: In the North Golfo de Bothnia, in the South, Golfo de Genoa, Bizcaia and Lion.
- Capes: Cape or Norway in the North and Cape Finisterre, de San Vicente (in Portugal) in the South.
- Fjords: Valleys created by glaciers where ocean water enters. In Scandinavia.
- Rias: Coastal valleys flooded by the ocean that change with the tides.
- Islands: In the Atlantic Ocean we can find Islandia, Gran Bretaña, Irlanda, Las Azores, las Canarias…
In the Mediterranean sea we have Islas Baleares, Corsica, Sicilia, Malta Creta y Chipre.